UI Development HSR / Angular JS HSR:
Akshara Software Technologies is providing the UI Development in HSR layout, BTM, and Koramangala with most experienced professionals. Our UI Development-Angular JS trainers working in UI-Angular JS for more 9 years in MNC’s. We are offering UI Development classes hsr in more practical way. We are offering UI Development HSR, UI Development koramangala, UI Development btm. We framed UI Development BTM syllabus and UI Development Koramangala course fee to match with the real world requirements for both beginner level to advanced level. UI Development classes koramangala conducting in week day ,week end both morning and evening batches based on participant’s requirement. We do offer fast-track UI Development training koramangala and UI Development classes BTM.Our participants will be eligible to clear all type of interviews at end of our sessions. Our UI Development training HSR focused on assisting in placements as well. We have separate HR team professionals located in Angular JS training BTM who will take care of all your interview needs. Our Angular JS course fees is very affordable compared to others. UI Development classes btm includes UI Development hsr , UI Development live lasses koramnagla , UI Development koramnagala.
UI Development HSR Bangalore:
Course Duration : 80 Hours
What Is UI/Web Development?
- What is web how it works?
- What is UI Development?
- Basic overview of application architecture
- Key elements and technologies in UI Development
UXD Overview
- Strategy
- Scope
- Structure
- Skeleton
- Surface
- Misc(Wireframe, Information Arc, Interaction Design, Accessibility, Usability etc)
UI Design
Html/Html 5 Elements
- What is html?
- What is tags and elements
- What is attributes
- Purpose of html
- Html Document anatomy
- Html Validation
- More about Doc types
- Html Document Head
- Title
- Meta tag
- Charset
- Style tag
- Script tag
- Link tag
- Base tag
- Complete overview of head
- Html Body
- Content types/ Data types
- What is Semantic?
- Block vs Inline elements
- Text format
- Display different type of text content
- Header tags
- White spaces
- Formatting etc
- Html entities
- Links
- Anchor tags
- Target, title attributes
- Relative vs Absolute
- Id links and External id links
- Access Keys ………
- Html Lists
- Unordered list
- Ordered list
- Definition list
- Nested list
- Table
- Table structure
- Semantic Table structure
- Rows – Columns
- Col Span
- Row Span
- Cell padding, Cell spacing
- Borders and formatting table
- Images and objects
- Embedding images
- Working with Transparent images
- Embedding Video audio
- Object tag with params
- Html5 video audio embedding system
- Browser compatibility issues and how to over come
- Html forms
- Form tag
- Input types
- Accessible forms
- URL Encoding
- Layouts and semantic html layout structure
- Usability & Accessibility standards
- Creating pure html template
- Conditional statements
- Improve Performance
- HTML 4 vs HTML 5
- What is css?
- Types of css
- Syntax
- Selectors
- Colours
- Lengths & Percentages
- Formatting html elements
- Css box model
- Grouping
- Nesting
- Pseudo classes and elements
- Floats
- Display property
- Positions
- Layers
- Background images
- Shorthand properties
- Css specificity
- Css 3 new features
- Rounded corners
- Gradients
- Embedding fonts
- Transitions
- Miscellaneous other features
- Layouts
- Fixed layouts
- Fluid Layouts
- Discussing other layout types
- Working with project
- Embedding Fonts
- Media queries
- What is RWD
- RWD View ports
- RWD Videos/Images
- Working with RWD project with core technologies
- RWD Frameworks Overview
- Improving Performance
- Optimizing css
- Css Browser Hacks
- Compatibility issues and how to solve
Bootstrap RWD Framework
- What is bootstrap?
- Exploring bootstrap
- Layout system
- Grid system
- Components
- Exploring all other features
- Creating Project with bootstrap
- What is Dom?
- Working with dom?
- Dom structure
- Traversing Dom
- Working on CRUD with DOM
- Data types
- Numbers
- Strings
- Boolean
- Undefined
- Null
- Arrays
- Objects
- Variables
- Comments
- Operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operators
- Conditional operator
- Conditional Statements
- If , if else, if else if
- Switch
- Loops
- While loop
- Do while loop
- For loop (Advance concepts how to optimize)
- For in loop (will be discussed in objects)
- Functions
- Defining function
- Types of defining functions and types of calling functions
- Function statements
- Working parameters
- Passing params to functions
- Working with ‘N’ number of params
- Defining function
- Special Arguments array
- Return statements
- Anonymous functions
- Nested functions
- Function that return functions
- Self-invoking functions
- Literal functions
- Scopes
- Lexical scope
- Closures
- Closures in Loop
- Objects /Prototype & patterns (Object oriented javascript)
- What is objects?
- Defining Objects?
- Properties and methods
- Inheritance
- Prototype
- Js patterns
- Singleton pattern
- Constructor pattern
- Discussing about other patterns
- Linking objects with another object
- Accessing other object properties and methods
- Data Structures
- Application Data Structures
- Looking into other frame works (special topic)
- Arrays
- Defining arrays
- Exploring arrays properties
- Exploring array methods
- Working with multi-dimensional arrays
- Looping array data
- More Advanced concepts in Arrays and array methods
- Javascript Built in Functions and objects
- String
- Date
- Math
- Regex . . .
- BOM, DOM, Window,
- Events
- Exploring event types
- Binding events
- Optimal way of attaching events
- Event Phases
- Capturing
- Bubbling
- Targeting
- Event Delegation
- Prevent Default
- Stop propagation
- Stop immediate propagation
- Exploring other event methods
- Working with timeout functions
- Ajax with Core javascript
- Form handling with javascript
- Working with Core javascript project
- Cookies
- Error Handling
- Debugging
- JS Miscellaneous
What are JS Frameworks?
- What is JQeury?
- Embedding JQuery to html documents
- Jquery Selectors
- Jquery Css
- Jquery Dimensions
- Manipulation
- Traversing
- Jquery Events
- Jquery Effects
- Ajax
- Data manipulation from Dynamic sources
- Services
- SOAP overview
- Form Validation
- Project With JQuery
- Plugins
- Exploring Jquery UI
Angular Js
- What is Angular Js?
- Exploring Angular Features
- What is MVC Architecture?
- Angular MV* Structure
- Directives
- Expressions
- Controllers
- Filters
- Other DOM Activities with Angular
- Components
- Angular Module
- Ajax
- Angular modules overview
- Angular Project modular based with latest APP architecture.
- Varies App structure overview
Node js
- Node Js Fundamentals
- Application Environment setup with Node , Bower etc
- Exploring HTML5 new features
- GEO Location
- Drag/Drop
- Local Storage
- App Cache
- WEB Workers
SDLC Overview
Brief Knowledge about Agile Scrum Methodology
Miscellaneous Topics
- How to overcome with Browser Compatibility issues
- Quirk Mode overview
- Events vs Browser support
- Interview tips & tricks
- Looking across APP Data
- UI Future technologies
Real-Time Project Explanation
Resume Preparation
Interview Questions
Call now : 9686770604
Institute Location map Link : https://goo.gl/maps/tw96W5bLm5q